Wednesday, September 17, 2008

mwahz excitedznezz.

I miss Qi nowwww T____T due to stupid exams, i cant see her for weeks.
FROLICKS qi frolicks! remember okay.

So The Corrs was a long ago band but i like it now now now.
"Remind me Again why i need a man" is so addictive. I took a sneak peek at the ending, and unfortunately, Amelia still cant get married at the end of the year. Well, her reason was the best of all, "There's nothing to be ashamed of. There's nothing wrong with me. I just havent met the right one. Not yet." Gosh, what a way to end. But still, it's nice. I cant wait to get more novels. I wont feel so guilty even if i didnt study, cause at least i read a book, and it consist of english, english, and more english! Prozxzzzz.

Chinese starts to suck so much now, perhaps xu lao shi has menopause? I mean, whats with her gross grumpy moody attitude? Moodswings, really bad moodswings.

I didnt skip science remedial today, and i managed to learn something. :) Thankfully.

Best news of all : No school tomorrow! Aunt's wedding, pretty dresses, happy flowers! Happy people, Happy food! Pretty car, Pretty hotel. Pretty Aunty, Handsomezxz uncle!
okay perhaps happy food doesnt make any sense because how can they be happy when they are all gonna get eaten up? Perhaps they are happy cause its Me who eat them up:) hahaha.

yes, good excuse to skip school, omgomgomgzxz cant wait!

I need motivation to study. I cant seem to study because my mind's lost somewhere and i couldnt find it. Shyt, tell me how.

Tomorrow will be a break for me. Im gonna go camwhore-siao.

Also, im starting to love Mr.Ribbeck's lessons!
1) Get to watch Romeo and Juliet over and over again.
2) Nat and i go super h.
3) Get to use any electronic devices, because mr.ribbeck couldnt see anyway!
4) Mr.Ribbeck's good. HAHAHA. perhaps me offering him sweets does work. He even told me to keep the change after helping him buy a marker, muahahaha!
5) I dont know but i like it still.

Ouh desmond ng's like the goooooooooodest teacherzxzxz.

Messzx witzx mwahx hairx andvcv youxz seeEezx wHatzx happppeNxz.

IM GONNA GO EAT. mez wantvx to putzx on FATS.

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