Sunday, January 17, 2010

VAN LOVES ZH :) and spongebob

zh: He's like you, jumping and saying "gimme a hug!"
me: o____O

Hi all. Here's a new skin to the dead blog.
MY WEEKEND WAS AWESOME. Ever since friday, dearest zh stayover-ed for 2 consecutive days! WoohooOOo :) Friday we just slack around @ home and rented dvds to watch. Zh stayed for the night. Saturday we went church and met up after church. Zh stayed for the night AGAIN. So is this awesome or awesome? Muahahaha.
Okay and so you guys must be wondering what's with the spongy(s). Those above are the spongebobs that zh drew for me! :) I think it's really nice of him and he DID NOT trace it. He drew it by free hand, just copying the picture he found. The colourless spongebob was drawn by him today, while i was taking a nap. The coloured spongebob was drawn when we were together for the first few months :)
Yep... oh and i ate alot today. despite the stupid chilli fishball noodles that ruined my appetite for lunch.(becuz i dont eat chilli) But oh well, had a filling dinner so :B
Thats all for's another spongebob for you humans :)

hahahaha :)
And it feels good to know that i'll wake up beside you the next morning.

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