Thursday, May 29, 2008

Don't know why

Backaches and fever, guess im growing old.
One word to describe me now - sick.
Dumb disgusting medicine not working, damn.

Feelings of going to valerie's house kept changing.
One moment going, next moment not going.
I cant decide.
Because going or not going, i aint feeling very happy nor satisfied.
Going there can't keep my boredom away.

Sleeping, i guess i slept too much.
My head's hurting like mad.
Is it wrong to sleep so much?
When one sleeps so little, their head aches.
But when one sleeps so much, their head aches too.
Wtf is wrong with the sleeping logic? It's just so wrong.

Plus eff those morning calls.
I'm trying to sleep and there goes the "ring ring".
What's their problem.
Dont they know that it's still early(the sun havent rise,the birds not awake-.-k,crap.) and that people's still sleeping?!? Gah.
Hate life :/
Besides, the calls are usually from friends and family and they often call then say "nothing".
NOTHING is nothing, and if there's really nothing, you DONT HAVE TO CALL.
(unless its my boyfriend who calls me, if you're not then dont call.)
It's really irritating if you call and say nothing , and it really makes me curious, keeping me in suspense.

Anyway, my list for holidays.
study,sleep,teevee,study,sleep,teevee,study,sleep,teevee,study,sleep, on.

And maybe shopping sometimes but not too often, trying to save $$ over here :/
Spend time with p.
DONEEEE, thats all.
(Not to forget, finish up novels and getting more novels to read, im obsessed with stories.)

Im blogging at 11.08 am and the date's not right, i know. its only right if i start blogging at 5, which i'll blog later on again.
It's so freaking early too, i know. But because of the calls, i cant get back to sleep, thus using the comp.

i can't stop thinking bout p, i must stoppppp!!

seeyou later then.

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