Friday, July 3, 2009


i hope not.
been having fever non-stop even after consuming medicine REGULARLY. I admit i dont usually have my medicine on time but this time i really did! And im still running an uncontrollable fever for like dunno how many days already, on and offf. Thus, i'll be going to the hospital tmr if my fever is still on by morning. I hope not, i rlly wanna go shopping with my mamma! I need, desperately need to get a wallet though i love my current prada lol, but i want a new wallet!! And i want more clothings.
Oh and i've sinned, for eating chocolate and worsening my throat on wednesday, which cause my throat to be sore till now. But thats cause my mamma see me so poor thing then buy for me. Haha! :p and this is the outcome, disastrous. (okay im spoilt, but so what? i've got my retribution, so buzzz offf)
Also, i wanna thank zh for being by my side todayyyyy hahahaha though im sick. cuz' you just wont get the fever bug.
okay! im done here, and was hoping by the time im finished, my temp is down. Er...
nope, still 38.1. So dead.
MUACKKKKKKZXZ, here's a kiss to all of you!
(dont worry, precautions are taken and it states that virus will not be contactable thru internet lol)
edit/oh and i realise i always say, not do. I really(this time) really need to get back to God. BUT HOW?

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