Monday, May 24, 2010


Gotten my results back...wasn't THAT bad. Yes, it was bad, not good at all, but it wasn't bad till the extend of...Oh well. Right now all I've gotta do is to put full concentration onto my studies till N levels are over. Sigh. That is if I can. I know I can.

I didn't know that this Friday is a public holiday till someone said " Van, you can come school on friday yourself if you want, while everyone stays home." WTF i didnt know??? And then once i knew i go YAYYYYYY it's the holidays already! BUT no, it isn't. The first 2 weeks of June holidays are to be spend going back to school again. URGH :@@@@

However, i'll be off to malacca this comin' friday! It's a break for me, maybe some shopping on clothes and FOOD. YES FOOD i love food. I dont look like it but really, if you know me well, i eat alot. IN SCHOOL. When i'm with zh i become a different person, dont know why. Maybe i still eat alot but HE EAT WAY MUCH MORE. Thats why it looks like i eat quite little. Ahaha!

KAY SO i am waiting for tomorrow, wednesday and thursday, will be seeing zh everyday. OMG. I should get a hold of myself. But what? ITS HOLIDAYS ALRD, somehow or another. (i know even if it's not the hols i still meet him almost everyday but who cares!)

and i really can't wait to get my ear pierced again! The last time i've gotten my helix piercing, it closed. Bobba. So now im gonna get it with my bestfriend again!

p/s i should START GOING CHURCH NOW NOW NOW sadly this sat i cant ): sigh.


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