Monday, October 25, 2010

animals and polaroid

I WANT A RABBIT. I WANT A RABBIT. I WANT A RABBIT. I WANT A RABBIT. Okay actually i want a dog but lookkkkkk, the rabbit's soooOOoo cute right!!! Gahhhhh.

Actually i want everything la. I did mention i want a pet pig before, dog, now rabbit also have -.-
Im sucha bullshitter.

I WANT A POLAROID. YES!!!!! let's talk about non-living things since i cant take care of living things at the moment (cuz i cant take care of myself already) SO YA gosh ive never had a polaroid camera before, or a polaroid film. WTF RIGHT how old am i already?! (Let's not talk bout ppl in africa dont have this and that k -.-) Never had one. Okay maybe have but its different.

'But then again, i can live without a polaroid. So. BUT I STILL WANT A POLAROID. hahahaha wtshit.

Okay enough who cares bout what i want. Why do i feel a sorethroat coming up!!!!! I havent had famous amos in 2 days only. I need it today so i really do not need the sorethroat to come at this point of time. Pwease.

Anw babe's gonna be at my place around 5+ and we're gonna cook dinner for ourselves and momsy! weeheee


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