Monday I said I Love You.
Tuesday I said it's so true.
Wednesday I went up to you.
Thursday i ask do you too?
Friday you said yes i do.
Saturday there was me and you.
Sunday we both caught the flu - the love flu.
22/5 : Happy 5th! You are the best of the best and will always be. More pepper lunch and movies to commmmmeeeeee! I love you zhi hong. (L) So damn much.
AHAHAAAAA I (L) gossipping while jogging with esther. Especially in the night! It's been a while since i've last seen her so we promised to hang out more often! (L) you pep!
Went out for dinner with z yesterday, didnt have time for movie but that'll be tmr;)
I cant wait for rooftop outing with lim yap brid qi tmr + movie with zzzzzzzz :) Thats what really motivates me when i feel like im gonna die anytime soon during band practice. Mrs Chua barely look at me in the eye. What's wrong with her???? She doesnt even talk to me for goodness sake.
i've been either stuck at home with z or watching mtv while snoozing off on the sofa today(as z is away), and i realised that katy perry is goshdamn hot. Dont you think so? Her clothes are absolute vintagey and she has the figure for it. Especially da 'thinking of you' mtv. pffffft i want!
And malaysia's kinderjoy sucks i tell you! Its cheap and not worthy cause its so hard. My mum got 4 eggs from there and i hardly ate 2 when i usually finish all in a day. screw m'sia's kinderjoy.
Dnt tmr, worst period! I hate dnt no matter what cause i can never draw pretty 3D designs. K random.
HOPEFULLY, z will not be shag after dragonboat cause i really wanna catch a movieeeeee. (also because i wanna haolian to my mum that not only she can go watch movie tmr, i also can) 8)
After 17 again, zac efron has been many girls' so called boyfriend. What is the world coming to?? What about edward cullen? Outdated? I havent even finish my breaking dawn. I wasted my gong gong's money$$$ cause i dont feel like reading anymore. In the first place, i prefer jacob black. But now, I DONT EVEN GIVE A DAMN. HAHA. i think noone does.
As you can see, im trying to blog as much as i can, and its becoming more and more random, but i have this feeling that im not gonna blog for dunno how many days again. Sigh.
OH OH and you know what! I've been allocated to plaza sing to sell christian stuffs in a christian shop with leon. How holy! I like that. Its better than -- gasp, working in the national library pushing carts and rearranging books. Or giving out flyers with people ignoring you.
OKAY LONG ENOUGH! Im going to callllll zzzzzzz now so bye;)
ps/ sudden craving of starbucks now. urgh.